Saturday, November 14, 2009

field experience 1

Having been out in field for a week and a half now i absolutly love the classroom. There's an excitement and energy within these kids that you don't find anywhere else. Learning and explorieng is not a chore they want to impress their teacher and are eager to recieve postive attention.
My field partner and i have taught 2 lessons so far and let me just tell you, the teacher makes it look easier than it is! I find it is very easy to loose the class. I have to be on my toes and find different management techniques that will work for these kids. They don't respond to every technique and i find that fasinating. Some kids will behave with a pull a card or warnign system and others work better with a count down technique. The most important thing, i found, was to know their names and use them. Being able to call a child by name helped my field partner and I to manage the class better. Not perfect but were not expected to be perfect in our first time. I love the classroom environment. This makes me that much more anxious to finish school to accomplish my career goals.

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